Campus Services

Campus Services

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Alumni Services

University alumni are offered privileges to use the University library and computing facilities, audit courses upon payment of registration fees only, and use career services.

Bookstore Services

The bookstore at East-West University carries textbooks and other classroom assigned instructional materials. It also carries classroom supplies and University promotional items. Book rental services are also available.

Campus Security

The security of the campus and its occupants is the responsibility of the security staff. They monitor identification of all persons on campus. Students, faculty and staff should report injuries, thefts, accidents, items lost and found or any unusual circumstances to the security staff office.

Computer Services

All East-West University students have access to e-mail, the worldwide web and current academic and non-academic computer programs. The University maintains state-of-the-art computer laboratories both for instructional purposes and student work. Email is an official means for communication within East-West University. Students are expected to check their official East-West University account on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay current with University communications on the Student Portal. Students are also expected to use their East-West University account for communication with instructors in their courses. The use of an outside email account for assignment submissions and faculty correspondence is discouraged as a University policy.
