Eric Secker

Joselyn Bernal

Joselyn Bernal

Joselyn’s Story I would like to share that my time here at East-West University has been a great experience and I have met many amazing people throughout my short time here. I am a transfer student from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and I can say that I prefer the smaller classroom ratio rather than the 500+ auditorium lectures. I have learned so much from

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Rose Lloyd-Williams

Rose Lloyd-Williams

Rose’s Story “The race is not given to the swift nor the strong but to those who endureth to the end.” – Even if you’re not the smartest, strongest, or most knowledgeable, God can give you good success when you depend on His grace. This is a popular saying in the African-American churches.  It’s used for encouragement.  It appears in many of our worship songs.

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Asmath Unissa

Asmath Unissa

Asmath’s Story My name is Asmath Unissa. I was born and brought up in India. India is a diverse country with various cultures and religions. I’m 24 years old and it was difficult for me to leave my beloved family, friends, colleagues and my country. As there is a saying that “to gain something we need to lose something.” and I’m finally here in the

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Naila Khan

Naila Khan

Naila’s Story As an international student at East West University (EWU), every step of my academic expedition has unfolded against a backdrop of vibrant diversity and unwavering academic excellence. From the moment I set foot on the university grounds, I was enveloped in the warm embrace of diversity at East West University. The student body, faculty, and staff represent a kaleidoscope of cultures from around

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Sherena Sanders

Sherena Sanders

Sherena’s Story Well how do I start …… My name is Sherena Sanders. I am here to hopefully inspire someone today! I am a mom first and foremost and also a long time student here at east west, and I mean long time! I started here many years ago and then life started happening to me over and over. When I first started here my

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Time Capsule Dreams They say be the narrator of your story, and for a long time I was just a spectator. I was adopted when I was almost 2yrs old and raised by my elderly parents in Roseland. I was a challenged child who worked hard and in high school peaked in academics and honors. I graduated high school at 17 and went straight to

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Natalie Zavala

Natalie Zavala

Natalie’s Story I transferred to East-West University from Harold Washington College back in April of 2021. I remember being nervous and scared to start at a new school. Thankfully, I was able to go about the whole school easily without getting lost. There are also lots of friendly people and professors to help you out. My time at East-West felt like a blink of an

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Whittney Wright

Whittney Wright

Whittney’s Story One thing that is important to me is to always believe in yourself and never give up on nothing. After ten years I finally finished college. This journey was not easy, but I did it. I thought I would never see the day I would graduate from college. I wanted to give up so many times, but something in my heart kept telling

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Berha Salman

Berha Salman

Berha’s Story To be continued! That is what I want the title of this article to be, even though I graduated, which I am proud of myself for as it is such an achievement while being grateful for the immense support around me, I am certainly not done. A part of me knows what I want since I was a little girl, and the other

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